“Among the Cacti That Resembled Desert Gravestones” by Zachary C. Bush

You spent your twentieth birthday getting clean
With an Indian chief and his son, who taught you
To lure rain clouds by their ancestral dance

Those men were so stunning; shouting and
Spinning sweat from their long black hair before
The rain fell and cooled the sand beneath our feet.



Zachary C. Bush, Among the Cacti that Resembled Desert Gravestones, is a poet and writer. He lives in Georgia. His work has appeared in over two dozen online and print literary journals. He has more recent work forthcoming in GHOTI Magazine, The CommonLine Project, and the Poet Plant Press 2007: Lunch Anthology. He is also the author of two forthcoming chapbooks of poetry through Scintillating Publications (2007) and Pudding House Publications (2007). This is Zachary’s second appearance in r.kv.r.y.