spring 2013
vol. x. no. 2
Faith & Doubt
“One Day a Year” by Kevin McIlvoy
“Sex for Groceries” by Kirie Pedersen
“Christmas Cactus” by Ann Goldsmith
“Absentee” by William Kelley Woolfitt
“Skunk Stroll” by Lisa J. Cihlar
“A Sudden Tilt of the Head” by Michael Sarnowski
“Hiding from Breast Cancer” by Stacy Lawson
Shorts on Survival
“Advent” by Randon Billings Noble
“Uma and Parvati in Philadelphia” by Judith Beck
“A Lobotomy” by Petrina Crockford
“Keep Smiling Mary K” by Leah Kaminsky
“Sushi at Midnight” by Jacob Fons