Homepage Spring 2017

COVER image
All artwork appears courtesy of the artist Penelope Breen.


Happy Spring! And welcome to our April 2017 issue with the theme of “DISLOCATION.”

I’m honored to be able to share the work of these sixteen talented authors (some being published for the first time) and grateful to be allowed to present their fine work to you, our readers. Each piece of writing has the further good fortune of being paired with the sensual, textural, and evocative photography of Penelope Breen.

As always, this issue exists, thanks in no small part to my devoted editors and readers who make my job so much easier, and to the contributors who have trusted us to showcase their work. Also, thanks for the gorgeous artwork, Penelope. You made each essay, story, flash, and poem pop just a little bit more.

Our July 2017 issue will have a theme of SPECULATION.

As always, thanks for reading.

Yours in Recovery,

Mary Akers

Homepage Winter 2017

All artwork appears courtesy of the artist Pat Zalisko.

Welcome to our January 2017 issue with the theme of “SPARK.” (Hmm, last January’s issue was FLAME–clearly I want to warm up the winter issues.) There is something about the onset of winter that I accept–and even embrace (at the start of the season at least)–but I don’t know that I have ever celebrated winter. Winter feels like a necessary part of the changing seasons (I’m an environmentalist after all, I get it.) but it feels more like something to hunker down and endure while waiting for the arrival of spring.

This marvelous issue, however, I do celebrate. I’m honored to be able to share the work of these fifteen talented authors and grateful to be allowed to present their fine work to you, our readers. And each piece of writing has the further good fortune of being paired with the outstanding artwork of Pat Zalisko–in many cases, work she created in direct response to reading the work it illustrates. This type of direct engagement is so rare and special. I think of it as an artistic cross-pollination of sorts–the two genres combining to make a third, beautiful-and-interactive artful object.

As always, this issue exists, thanks in no small part to my devoted editors and readers who make my job so much easier, and to the contributors who have trusted us to showcase their work. Also, thanks for the gorgeous artwork, Pat. You made each essay, story, flash, and poem pop just a little bit more.

Our April 2017 issue has a tentative theme of DISLOCATION and for July 2017, SPECULATION.

As always, thanks for reading.

Yours in Recovery,

Mary Akers

Homepage Fall 2016

All artwork appears courtesy of the artist Dawn Surratt.

Happy fall! And welcome to our October 2016 “SPIRITS” issue. We’re honored to share the work of these fourteen talented authors and grateful to be allowed to present their fine work to you, our readers. And each piece of writing has the further good fortune of being paired with the beautiful artwork of Dawn Surratt–work she has generously allowed us to use. We are also proud to introduce two new writers for whom this will be their first publication. As any editor will tell you, there’s a special kind of thrill involved in publishing first-time authors.

This issue exists, thanks in no small part to my devoted editors and readers who make my job so much easier, and to the contributors who have trusted us to showcase their work. Also, thanks for the gorgeous artwork, Dawn. You made each essay, story, flash, and poem pop just a little bit more.

Our January 2017 issue has a tentative theme of SPARKS.

As always, thanks for reading.

Yours in Recovery,

Mary Akers

Homepage Summer 2016

Cover Image
All artwork appears courtesy of the artist.

Happy summer! And welcome to our Summer 2016 “BLINK” issue. We’re honored to share the talents of the fine authors who have allowed us bring their work out into the world. And each piece of writing has been enhanced by the beautiful artwork of Fay Henexson–work she has generously allowed us to use for this issue.

BLINK exists, thanks in no small part to my devoted editors and readers who make my job so much easier, and the contributors who have trusted us to showcase their work. Also, thanks for the gorgeous artwork, Fay. You made each essay, story, flash, and poem pop just a little bit more.

Our October 2016 issue will have the theme of SPIRITS (in all its meanings).

As always, thanks for reading.

Yours in Recovery,

Mary Akers

Homepage Winter 2016

Cover Image
All artwork appears courtesy of the artist.

Welcome to our Winter 2016 “FLAME” issue. We’re incredibly proud to present to you the exciting and diverse array of voices in this issue, enhanced by the beautiful artwork of Laura Didyk which she has graciously donated for this issue.

I’m thrilled with the way everything came together for this issue. We have a list of new readers for the journal, all of them are prior contributors, and I’m thrilled to see how their aesthetics influence future issues. We have a new Shorts On Survival editor, too, the discerning and talented Bev Jackson. And a big thank you to my devoted editors and readers who have hung in there for years now, and also the contributors to this issue who have trusted us to bring their work out into the world. Also, thanks for the gorgeous artwork, Laura. You made each piece pop just a little bit more.

Our April 2016 themed issue will be HURRICANE and the July issue has a tentative theme of BLINK. As always, thanks for reading.

Yours in Recovery,

Mary Akers

Homepage Fall 2015

Europa Hides an Ocean
“Lady of the Lake” by Mia Avramut, wax on paper, 5.8 x 8.2 in.
All images in this issue appear courtesy of the artist.

Dear Readers,

Welcome to our Fall 2015 “GOODWILL” issue. We’re incredibly proud to present to you the wonderful and diverse array of voices in this issue, all complemented by the beautiful artwork of Mia Arvamut which she has graciously donated for this issue.

I’m thrilled with the way everything came together for this issue. We have a list of new readers for the journal, all prior contributors, and I’m thrilled to see how their aesthetics influence future issues. We have a new Shorts On Survival editor, too, the discerning and talented Bev Jackson. A big thank you to my devoted editors and readers who have hung in there for years now, and also the contributors to this issue who have trusted us to bring their work out into the world. Also, thanks for the gorgeous artwork, Mia Avramut. You made each piece pop just a little bit more.

Our January 2016 themed issue will be FLAME and the April issue will have the theme of HURRICANE. As always, thanks for reading.

Yours in Recovery,

Mary Akers

Homepage Summer 2015


Cover Image_mt-diablo-poppies
“Mt. Diable Poppies” by Allen Forrest, oil on canvas

Dear Readers,

Welcome to our Summer 2015 “ON THE LINE” issue. We’re incredibly proud to present to you the wonderful and diverse array of voices in this issue, all complemented by the beautiful artwork of Allen Forrest which he has graciously donated for this issue.

I’m thrilled with the way everything came together for this issue.  A big thank you to my devoted editors and readers and especially to our contributors who trusted us to bring their work out into the world. Also, thanks for the gorgeous artwork, Allen Forrest. You made each piece pop just a little bit more.

Our October themed issue will be GOODWILL and our January issue will have the theme of FLAME. As always, thanks for reading.

Yours in Recovery,

Mary Akers

Homepage Spring 2015

Final Girl Cover Image
All images appear in this issue courtesy of the Appalachian street artist, FINAL GIRL.

Dear Readers,

Welcome to our Spring 2015 “WOMEN” issue. We’re incredibly proud to present to you the wonderful and diverse array of voices in this issue, all complemented by the beautiful street art of FINAL GIRL which she has graciously donated for this issue.

I’m thrilled with the way it all came together.  A big thank you to my devoted editors and readers and especially to our contributors who trusted us to bring their work out into the world. Also, thanks for the gorgeous artwork, FINAL GIRL. You made each piece pop just a little bit more.

I’m thinking a lot about recovery these days, as my son just lost a close friend in a car accident over the weekend. Mike Dmochowski was a shining star of a kid, on his way to good things, with his pick of colleges and swim teams. He was returning from a day-long recruitment trip, in fact. He could literally see his future opening up before him. And now he is gone. How do we make sense of that? How do the ones left behind recover? How do we ever?

Our July issue will be themed ON THE LINE and our October theme will be GOODWILL. As always, thanks for reading.

Yours in Recovery,

Mary Akers

Homepage Fall 2014

All images appear in this issue courtesy of the artist, Mike Quesinberry.

Dear Readers,

Welcome to our Fall 2014 “APPALACHIA” issue. We’re incredibly proud to present to you the wonderful and diverse array of voices in this issue, all complimented by the beautiful photographic art of Mike Quesinberry which he has graciously donated for this issue.

We’re featuring work from some of my very favorite Appalachian writers as well as hearing from an array of new voices. For the first time ever, we even have an audio file of a short story: Ann Pancake’s terrific story “Mouseskull,” read by the talented voice actor Gina Detwiler. We’re exploring the oldest mountains in North America and having loads of fun in the process. You should find a lot to enjoy in this issue. I hope that you will take the time to explore it.

Our January 2015 issue will be themed CAREGIVERS and our April 2015 issue will have the theme of WOMEN. Thanks for reading.

Yours in Recovery,

Mary Akers

Homepage Summer 2014

Cover Image (Recent death)
All images appear in this issue courtesy of the artist, Karen Bell.

Dear Readers,

Welcome to our Summer 2014 “ENDANGERED” issue. We’re incredibly proud to present to you the wonderful and diverse array of voices in this issue, all complimented by the beautiful photographic art of Karen Bell which she has graciously donated for this issue.

We’ve got a poem about penguins, stories about stars, and a farcical essay that is really a short story. We’re pushing a lot of boundaries here and having loads of fun in the process. You should find a lot to enjoy in this issue. I hope that you will take the time to explore it.

Our final theme for 2014 will be APPALACHIA, published in October. Our January 2015 issue will be themed CAREGIVERS. And (a quick reminder) we are closed to submissions during June, July, and August.

Yours in Recovery,

Mary Akers