Homepage Winter 2013

Cover Image

Dear Readers,

Welcome to 2013, and welcome to our Winter “FRIENDS & FAMILY” issue. We’re proud to present an interesting and diverse array of voices and perspectives — about the families we are born into and the families we create, about the families we love (or love to hate).

Our illustrator is the talented and generous watermedia artist Marilyn Sears Bourbon who graciously allowed us to select from her body of creative work to illustrate this issue. If you like what you see, please visit her website here. And thanks again readers, for giving r.kv.r.y. a portion of your day; thank you writers, for continuing to trust us with your fine work; and thank you Al Gore for the Internet that made it all possible. Our upcoming themes will be Faith & Doubt (April), Sexuality (July), and Shipwrecked (October).

Yours in Recovery,

Mary Akers