“My Father’s Depression” by Dane Cervine

I remember crawling with my father
on our hands and knees deep into the seaside cave—
the still wet sand, the small flash light beam
mapping the rock roof as it descended to its dead end.
Alone with my father in the cramped dark—and I swore,
I’d never stay there, in sand depressed by heavy bodies,
waiting for the sea to wash our shapes away.



Dane Cervine makes his first appearance in this issue of r.kv.r.y.  Dane’s work appeared recently in the SUN Magazine, Atlanta Review, the Birmingham Review, and the Bathyspheric Review.Dane’s book The Jeweled Net of Indra from Plain View Press can be viewed at his new website danecervine.typepad.com. Dane is a member of the Emerald Street Writers in Santa Cruz, California, where he serves as Chief of Children’s Mental Health for the county.