The day before I bury
her I
measure her in negatives
they have removed everything
heart lungs her
liver her
sinks my home
hollowed by someone’s hands
she was opened she
smelled sweet
and sometimes
bitter her
hands bathed me
from when I wipe
her chest she is
sewn shut jagged
cuts across I hold
her hair
It still looks the same
Hananah Zaheer is a fiction editor for Four Way Review. Her recent work has appeared in Michigan Quarterly Review where it won the Lawrence Foundation Literary prize for 2017, Alaska Quarterly Review, Gargoyle, Moon City Review, Westview and Willow Review, among others. She received a 2016 Pushcart nomination from Moon City Review and has been awarded fellowships by the Virginia Center for the Creative Arts (VCCA) and Rivendell Writers’ Colony.
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