Homepage Summer 2013

Harvest (Grimoire)
[All /images copyright Peter Groesbeck, used with permission of the artist.]

Dear Readers,

Welcome to our Summer 2013 “SEXUALITY” issue. We’re incredibly proud to present to you the wonderful and diverse array of voices in this issue. Among the many fine pieces to enjoy, you’ll find an essay about stripping as molting, a serialized short story about a love triangle during a tornado, a poem about the lasting beauty of scars, and a Shorts On Survival piece about the “real work” of body recovery.

Our illustrator is the talented and generous Peter Groesbeck who graciously allowed us to select from his body of creative work to illustrate this issue. If you like what you see, please visit his website here.

Thanks again readers, for giving r.kv.r.y. a portion of your day; and thank you writers, for continuing to trust us with your fine work.

Our upcoming themes are “SHIPWRECKED” (the October issue) and “ART OF RECOVERY” (the January 2014 issue), which will be illustrated with the paintings of old masters (ekphrastic work welcome).

Yours in Recovery,

Mary Akers