Contributors, Winter 2015

Roy Bentley
Roy Bentley (Rescue Dog) has received fellowships from the NEA, the Florida Division of Cultural Affairs, and the Ohio Arts Council. Poems have appeared in The Southern Review, Shenandoah, Pleiades, Blackbird, North American Review, Prairie Schooner and elsewhere. Books include Boy in a Boat (University of Alabama, 1986), Any One Man (Bottom Dog, 1992), The Trouble with a Short Horse in Montana (White Pine, 2006), and Starlight Taxi (Lynx House 2013). He has taught creative writing throughout the Midwest and south Florida. These days, he teaches at Georgian Court University and lives in Lakewood, New Jersey with his wife Gloria.

Annie Tv
Annie Bolger (Sevenling) is pursuing a BA in English Literature and Classical Studies at Swarthmore College. She is currently the Co-Editor-in-Chief of Swarthmore’s daily newspaper, The Daily Gazette. She recently hand made and published Dated, a chapbook of her poetry. Her work has appeared in Prisms and the Swarthmore Review.

Mikayla Davis
Mikayla Davis (Overdue) is an undergraduate from Spokane, Washington. She has a BA in English from Eastern Washington University as well as several two-year degrees from Spokane Falls Community College. She is the editor for The Wire Harp and has poems published in Railtown Almanac, Northwest Boulevard, Gold Dust, and CandleLit.

Danielle Dugan
Danielle Dugan
(A Few Simple Questions) graduated from Emmanuel College with her bachelor’s in writing and literature.  While attending she enjoyed composing poetry, fiction and nonfiction pieces. The Boston native continues to further her education.

Laurie Easter
Laurie Easter‘s (The Polarity of Incongruities) essays have appeared or are forthcoming in The RumpusChautauquaPrime Number Magazine, and Under the Gum Tree, among others. She holds an MFA from Vermont College of Fine Arts and recently took on the role of Assistant Creative Nonfiction Editor forHunger Mountain: the VCFA Journal of the Arts. She lives off the grid and on the edge of wilderness in a funky, little cabin in Southern Oregon. Visit her at

Jonathan Levy
Jonathan Levy (The Youngest Boy to Ever Fly to Space) lives in Raleigh, NC, with his wife and two dogs. He started writing fiction about a year ago. So far, the staff and readers of Boston Literary Magazine, Pure Slush, Tell Us a Story, r.kv.r.y quarterly, and Paper Tape have made him feel so grateful and lucky.

Mary Lewis
Mary Lewis (Quesasomethings) has published stories in Trapeze, Valley Voice, and Frank Walsh’s Kitchen and Other Stories. She also has published in Persimmon Tree, Lost Lake Folk Opera Magazine, and Wapsipinicon Almanac. This is her second story for r.kv.r.y.. She is pursuing an MFA in fiction at Augsburg College and teaches biology at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa. She helped start Badgersett Research Corporation where hazels are being developed for growers in the Midwest. She is a figure skater, and for many years taught dance and piano.

Lauren Macios
Laurin Becker Macios (At the Piazza, I Remember You) holds an MFA from the University of New Hampshire and is the program director of Mass Poetry. Her work has recently appeared in Boxcar Poetry Review, Extracts: Daily Dose of Lit, Pif Magazine, [PANK], and elsewhere. She lives in Boston with six plants and one wicked awesome husband.

Amy Newell
(Born This Way) writes poems about madness, marriage, motherhood, and elevators. In addition to her poetry, she has a trail of abandoned blogs and decades of overwrought journal entries. She lives in the Boston area with her husband, two children, and cat.

Ojas patel
Ojas Patel
(Your New Face), from Egg Harbor Township, NJ, earned his B.A. in English with a concentration in Creative Writing at Rowan University. His story “Your New Face” won first place for creative non-fiction in the Denise Gess Literary Awards. He has also won contests for his poetry and critical writing in Islamic Studies, has contributed to his local newspaper, The Current, and is currently working on his first novel.

Matthew Rosin
Matthew Rosin
(Hope) is a dad, husband, and author based in California. “Hope” is his first fiction publication (but hopefully not his last). Rosin plans to publish a novelette in 2015, and he writes and podcasts about fatherhood at

Emily Rich
Emily Rich
(Malignancies) is the non-fiction editor of Little Patuxent Review. She writes mainly memoir and essay. Her work has been published in a number of small presses including Little Patuxent Review, Welter, River Poet’s Journal, Delmarva Review and the Pinch. Her story “On the Road to Human Rights Day” was a notable entrant in the 2014 edition of The Best American Essays.

Annita Sawyer
Annita Sawyer
(Fifty-Four Weeks?) is a psychologist in practice for over thirty years and a member of the clinical faculty at Yale. She has been a Wesleyan Writers Conference Fellow and a Bread Loaf Scholar. She has been a fellow at the MacDowell Colony, the Millay Colony, VCCA, Vermont Studio Center, Ragdale, and Hambidge Center for the Arts. Her nonfiction has appeared in professional and literary journals, won prizes, and been included among Notables in Best American Essays. Her first book, Smoking Cigarettes, Eating Glass: A Psychologist’s Memoir, was selected by Lee Gutkind for the 2013 Santa Fe Writers Project Literary Awards nonfiction grand prize and is forthcoming in June 2015.

Cecil Sayre
Cecil Sayre (Bathing My 20-Year-Old Son) is a visiting lecturer for the English Department of Indiana University. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Naugatuck Literary Review, Slipstream, and Southern Indiana Review.

Douglas Shearer (Treatment) spent years traveling for work and living out of a suitcase before returning to the city of his youth near Toronto, Canada where he now lives with his wife and two children. He graduated from The Institute of Children’s Literature in 2010 and was published in non-fiction before completing the course. His instructor said she loved his style, but suggested he not limit himself to writing for kids. “Treatment” is his first fiction to be published.

Randi Ward1
Randi Ward (Illustrator) is a writer, translator, lyricist, and photographer from West Virginia. She earned her MA in Cultural Studies from the University of the Faroe Islands and is a recipient of The American-Scandinavian Foundation’s Nadia Christensen Prize. Ward is a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee whose work has appeared in AsymptoteBeloit Poetry JournalCimarron Review, Thrush Poetry JournalWorld Literature TodayAnthology of Appalachian Writers, and other publications. For more information, visit: