Introducing Randi Ward

I’m thrilled to announce that Randi Ward will be illustrating our January 2015 CAREGIVERS issue! We are delighted to have her fine photographic work to grace our virtual pages.

Randi Ward is a writer, translator, lyricist, and photographer from West Virginia. She earned her MA in Cultural Studies from the University of the Faroe Islands and is a recipient of The American-Scandinavian Foundation’s Nadia Christensen Prize. Ward is a Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee whose work has appeared in AsymptoteBeloit Poetry JournalCimarron Review, Thrush Poetry JournalWorld Literature TodayAnthology of Appalachian Writers, and other publications. For more information, visit:

In the meantime, here are some images to whet your appetite for her work.





Thank you, Randi, and welcome to the r.vr.r.y. family!