Welcome to our October issue with the theme of “EVERY TONGUE.” We have some wonderful work in this issue, including at least one first-time author—a fact that always makes me proud.
I’ve been editor of r.kv.r.y. for ten years now. Hard to believe, but I took the journal over from Victoria Pynchon in the fall of 2009. She was looking for a replacement, had published my work in the past, and I admired her beautiful journal and its mission, so the whole thing seemed like a good fit. And it was. One of Victoria’s favorite artists at the time was the photographer Cole Rise. She had used his work to illustrate a number of pieces and it seems fitting, this issue, to honor her at this ten-year-mark by illustrating this issue with the wonderful work of Cole Rise. It feels like a full-circle moment. Thank you, Ms. Pynchon.
I hope that the fine writing and beautiful artwork in this issue offer you some light in the darkness, a measure of healing laughter, and/or the gift of tears. And as always, thanks for reading.
Yours in recovery,
Mary Akers
Continue reading →fall 2019
vol. xvii. no. 4
“Negotiation” by Richard Risemberg
“I’ve Kept the Fish Alive” by Jessie Atkin
“There Isn’t Any More” by Kim Shegog
“11 Ways to Start a Fight with Your Father” by Julianne Clarke
“A Small Wooden Box” by D. G. Lasek
Shorts on Survival
“Garbage Patch” by Alexander Jones
“Perfume and Pearls” by Michael Olenick
“Him and Me” by John Vanderslice
“Lavinia’s Tongue” by Kate Shakespeare
“The Widow Does Love the Living Plants More than Cut Flowers” by Jennifer Schomburg Kanke
“June Resurrection Loop” by Andrew Sutherland