Welcome to our October issue with the theme of “EVERY TONGUE.” We have some wonderful work in this issue, including at least one first-time author—a fact that always makes me proud.
I’ve been editor of r.kv.r.y. for ten years now. Hard to believe, but I took the journal over from Victoria Pynchon in the fall of 2009. She was looking for a replacement, had published my work in the past, and I admired her beautiful journal and its mission, so the whole thing seemed like a good fit. And it was. One of Victoria’s favorite artists at the time was the photographer Cole Rise. She had used his work to illustrate a number of pieces and it seems fitting, this issue, to honor her at this ten-year-mark by illustrating this issue with the wonderful work of Cole Rise. It feels like a full-circle moment. Thank you, Ms. Pynchon.
I hope that the fine writing and beautiful artwork in this issue offer you some light in the darkness, a measure of healing laughter, and/or the gift of tears. And as always, thanks for reading.
Yours in recovery,
Mary Akers