Welcome to our April issue with the theme of “PEELING.” I considered this theme for a long time before settling on it, mostly wondering if it would be “right” for this (or any) issue. Then I discovered the beautiful and evocative abstract paintings of Lisa Boardwine. When I approached Lisa about the possibility of using her work to illustrate this issue, she said that much of her work involves peeling away the surfaces to reveal the hidden colors and textures beneath. And isn’t that a perfect metaphor for life? Aren’t we all accreting layers and subsequently peeling them away to reveal our truer, more beautiful selves? Once Lisa was on board, I knew we had found our perfect theme, so PEELING it is.
We have several new and emerging writers in this issue–a fact that always makes me proud to do this work. Also a wonderful Shorts On Survival piece in a collective voice. We even have several authors with multiple short pieces in this issue.
My sincere hope is that the fine writing and beautiful artwork in this issue offers you some light in the darkness, a measure of healing laughter, and/or the gift of cathartic tears. As always, thank you for reading.
Yours in Recovery,
Mary Akers