This issue of r.kv.r.y. contains a number of pieces that I personally solicited. This being my first issue as editor-in-chief, I felt it would be appropriate to solicit particular work that I had found especially moving or thought provoking. It seemed like a good way to showcase my editorial bent and also to give some attention to authors whose work I admire and would like to see get more attention. Over the next few weeks, I plan to introduce you to the writers and their work in greater depth.
Jim Ruland (Shot Through the Heart) is first up.
I first experienced Jim Ruland’s awesome writing by hearing it. He had a piece on NPR about his father’s military service as a swiftboat veteran which I found extremely moving. You can still find it here if you’d like to listen. The honesty and love in that piece intrigued me enough to make me want to read his short story collection Big Lonesome, which I promptly ordered.
And then wrote a review of that book that can be read here.
I have since also enjoyed his essay on visiting Robert Smithson’s Spiral Jetty that appeared in Salt Flats Journal.
I finally met Jim in person (and saw/heard him read from his work) at Bread Loaf last year. Some online friendships or author-reader relationships don’t fare well in the real world, but this was not the case with Jim and his fine writing/creative work. I am proud and honored to have his work appear in this first issue of r.kv.r.y. with my name at the top of the masthead.