“You Belong” by Tina Pocha

You Belong
“Wax becomes fire” by Mia Avramut, wax on masonite board, 6 x 6 in.

She gave me a gift
her disclosure
her addiction
She laid it out
as if to say
warm your feet on this
And I do
each time I feel
the world rise up
to swallow me
I remember
I am not alone
on that cold tile floor




Tina Pocha was born and raised in Bombay, India. She is a scientist by training and a writer by avocation. She currently works as an academic in the field of language and literacy, and is a new and emerging poet with publications in Cadence Collective and Eunoia Review and more publications forthcoming in Hyacinth Press and East Jasmine Review. You can find more of her writing at www.tinapocha.com


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  1. Pingback: Interview with Tina Pocha | Rkvry Quarterly Literary Journal

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